Bobcat - My viewpoint on this is that the text is as in most apocalypic writing a cryptic history of pervious events. The start of Rev 12 is a more enlightening version of the Luke birth narrative which is not describing tthe actual birth of Jesus at all but his initiation at age twelve as aproperate for the Jewish sects which maintained monastic orders. At the time described in Rev12 Archelaushad been dismissed by Rome and his control on the Judean and dispora Jewish communities lost. He was allied with the Pharisee sect and the great dragon of Rev 12:3-9, this event took place in 6CE.
With the removal of the Pharisee high priest, who at that time was Joazar Boethus, the Devil who represents the Zealots in the person of Judus the Galilean were thrown from controlling the temple and the leadership pasted to the Sadducee high priest Ananus the Elder. The Sadducees were allied with the peace party politically and therefore supported Quirinius.
In 15CE Augustus died and Tiberius became emperor and being sympathetic to the Herods, allowed them to regained enough control to select a new Pharisee high priest Caiaphas 18CE. However the Dragon of Rev12:13 is Caiaphas and he was in opposion to Mary the woman mother of Jesus at his entry into monastic life at age 23 in 17CE.
Caiaphas then continues in the position of the Dragon throughout Rev13.
That all I can remember at present but if you want to know more about the meaning of revelation and the gosples and acts I'll dig out the approperiate references for you.